The Art IELTS Vocabulary

Tiếp nối cụm chủ đề từ vựng IELTS, bài viết này Patado sẽ giới thiệu cho bạn đọc bộ từ thuộc đề tài Art. Có rất nhiều cụm từ mới mẻ, hãy cùng đón đọc nhé.
I. Từ vựng IELTS chủ đề ART
Modern art | ˈmɑdərn ɑrt | nghệ thuật đương đại |
An art exhibit | ən ɑrt ɪgˈzɪbɪt | cuộc triển lãm mỹ thuật |
Ancient art | ˈeɪnʧənt ɑrt | nghệ thuật cổ xưa |
A gallery | ə ˈgæləri | phòng triển lãm |
Cultural art | ˈkʌlʧərəl ɑrt | nghệ thuật về văn hóa |
An educational tool | ən ˌɛʤəˈkeɪʃənəl tul | công cụ giáo dục |
Performance art | pərˈfɔrməns ɑrt | nghệ thuật biểu diễn |
Structural artInventive | ˈstrʌkʧərəl artInventive | nghệ thuật cấu trúc |
Sketching | ˈskɛʧɪŋ | sáng tạo |
An original idea | ən əˈrɪʤənəl aɪˈdiə | vẽ phác họa |
Graffiti | grəˈfiti | ý tưởng độc đáo |
A field trip | ə fild trɪp | hình vẽ trên tường |
An artifact | ən ˈɑrtəˌfækt | chuyến đi thực tế |
Rich culture | rɪʧ ˈkʌlʧər | tác phẩm tạo tác |
Arts and crafts | ɑrts ənd kræfts | nền văn hóa phong phú |
Visual arts | ˈvɪʒəwəl ɑrts | nghệ thuật thủ công |
Abstract art | ˈæbstrækt ɑrt | nghệ thuật thị giác |
Contemporary art | kənˈtɛmpəˌrɛri ɑrt | nghệ thuật trừu tượng |
Painting | ˈpeɪntɪŋ | hội họa |
Sculpture | ˈskʌlpʧər | điêu khắc |
Architecture | ˈɑrkəˌtɛkʧər | kiến trúc |
Photography | fəˈtɑgrəfi | nhiếp ảnh |
Music | ˈmjuzɪk | âm nhạc |
Dance | dæns | khiêu vũ |
Play | pleɪ | kịch |
Novel | ˈnɑvəl | tiểu thuyết |
Poetry | ˈpoʊətri | thơ ca |
Ballet | bæˈleɪ | múa ba lê |
Realism | ˈriəlɪzm | Chủ nghĩa hiện thực |
Renaissance | ˌrɛnəˈsɑns | Thời kỳ phục hưng |
Romanticism | roʊˈmæntəˌsɪzəm | Chủ nghĩa lãng mạn |
Socialist realism | ˈsoʊʃələst ˈriəlɪzm | Chủ nghĩa hiện thực xã hội chủ nghĩa |
Surrealism | səˈrilɪzəm | Chủ nghĩa siêu thực |
Symbolism | ˈsɪmbəˌlɪzəm | Chủ nghĩa tượng trưng |
Critical realism | ˈkrɪtɪkəl ˈriəlɪzm | Chủ nghĩa hiện thực phê phán |
Naturalism | ˈnæʧərəˌlɪzəm | Chủ nghĩa tự nhiên |
Abstract | ˈæbstrækt | Trừu tượng |
Actor | ˈæktər | Nam diễn viên |
Actress | ˈæktrəs | Nữ diễn viên |
Aesthetics | ɛˈsθɛtɪks | Mỹ học |
Architecture | ˈɑrkəˌtɛkʧər | kiến trúc |
Artefact | Artefact | Đồ tạo tác |
Artist | ˈɑrtəst | Họa sĩ |
Arts | ɑrts | Nghệ thuật |
Audience | ˈɑdiəns | Thính giả; Khán giả (chỉ 1 nhóm người) |
Brush | brʌʃ | Bút (lông)vẽ |
Caricature | ˈkɛrəkəʧər | Tranh biếm họa (đả kích), tranh vui |
Choreograph | ˈkɔriəˌgræf | Dàn dựng |
Classical | ˈklæsɪkəl | Cổ điển |
Classicism | ˈklæsɪˌsɪzəm | Chủ nghĩa cổ điển |
Comedian | kəˈmidiən | Diễn viên hài |
Comedy | ˈkɑmədi | Phim hài |
Creative | kriˈeɪtɪv | Sáng tạo |
Critic | ˈkrɪtɪk | Nhà phê bình |
Dancer | ˈdænsər | diễn viên múa, người khiêu vũ |
Director | dəˈrɛktər | đạo diễn |
Documentary | ˌdɑkjəˈmɛntəri | Phim tài liệu |
Dramatic | drəˈmætɪk | Kịch tính |
Eau-forte | oʊ–ˈfɔrteɪ | Tranh khắc axit |
Engraving | ɪnˈgreɪvɪŋ | Tranh khắc |
Exhibit | ɪgˈzɪbɪt | Trưng bày; Triển lãm |
Exhibition | ˌɛksəˈbɪʃən | Sự trưng bày, Cuộc triển lãm |
Expressionism | ɪkˈsprɛʃəˌnɪzəm | Chủ nghĩa biểu hiện |
Festival | ˈfɛstəvəl | Hội diễn, lễ hội |
Film projector | fɪlm prəˈʤɛktər | máy chiếu phim |
Fine art | faɪn ɑrt | Mỹ thuật |
Fresco | ˈfrɛskoʊ | Tranh tường |
Gouache | Gouache | Tranh bột màu |
Idea, representation | aɪˈdiə, ˌrɛprəzɛnˈteɪʃən | Biểu tượng |
Image | ˈɪməʤ | Hình vẽ |
Impressionism | ɪmˈprɛʃəˌnɪzəm | Chủ nghĩa ấn tượng |
Improvement | ɪmˈpruvmənt | Điển hình hóa |
Inspired | ɪnˈspaɪərd | Cảm hứng |
Masterpiece | ˈmæstərˌpis | Kiệt tác |
Model | ˈmɑdəl | người mẫu |
Museum | mjuˈziəm | bảo tàng |
Musical | ˈmjuzɪkəl | Nhạc kịch |
Nude Oil painting | nud ɔɪˈpeɪntɪŋ | (Tranh) khoả thân |
Opera | ˈɑprə | Tranh sơn dầu |
Orchestra | ˈɔrkəstrə | Dàn nhạc |
Paintbrush | ˈpeɪntˌbrʌʃ | bút vẽ |
Palette | ˈpælət | bảng màu |
Paper-cut | ˈpeɪpər–kʌt | Tranh cắt giấy |
Pastel drawing | pæˈstɛl ˈdrɔɪŋ | |
Perform | pərˈfɔrm |
Biểu diễn |
play a fundamental role | pleɪ ə ˌfʌndəˈmɛntəl roʊl | đóng vai trò thiết yếu |
to the detriment of something | tə ðə ˈdɛtrəmənt əv ˈsʌmθɪŋ | có hại cho, lấn át |
reach adulthood | riʧ əˈdʌltˌhʊd | đến tuổi trưởng thành |
to be gifted | tə bi ˈgɪftəd | có tài năng |
nurture talents | ˈnɜrʧər ˈtælənts | nuôi dưỡng tài năng |
convey meaning | kənˈveɪ ˈminɪŋ | truyền tải ý nghĩa, thông điệp |
gain an insight into | geɪn ən ˈɪnˌsaɪt ˈɪntu |
tìm hiểu sâu hơn về |
facilitate | fəˈsɪləˌteɪt | tạo điều kiện thuận lợi |
II. Các collocations từ vựng IELTS Art
1. a work of art/a work of music/a work of literature
Meaning: a painting, sculpture, book, play, piece of music etc
Example: Shakespeare’s plays are considered as one of the greatest works of literature in the English language.
2. the aesthetic qualities of something
Meaning: The qualities related to beauty and understanding the beauty of something.
Example: One advantage of studying the arts is that students learn to appreciate the aesthetic qualities of paintings, literature, and music
3. the portrayal of something/somebody
Meaning: the act of showing or describing something/somebody in a book, painting, play or film
Example: In the past, the portrayal of women in art was often as possessions, owned by rich men.
4. a private viewing
Meaning: an occasion when a few people are invited to look at an exhibition of paintings before it is open to the public.
Example: Paintings are sometimes considered as a form of investment, and art dealers arrange private viewings for art collectors to purchase works of value.
5. to be a connoisseur of
Meaning: an expert on matters involving the judgment of beauty, quality or skill in art or music
Example: In order to enjoy beautiful paintings, it is not necessary to be a connoisseur of works of art.
6. a priceless portrait
Meaning: a painting of a person that is extremely valuable
Example: Private art collections may sometimes include priceless portraits of kings or queens painted by famous artists.
7. to commission a work of art
Meaning: to officially ask somebody to paint a picture or compose a piece of music for you
Example: Artists in the past often relied on wealthy people to commission paintings or music from them.
8. an art movement
Meaning: a group of artists who share similar ideas
Example: The creative aspect of art is demonstrated by the number of art movements over the centuries – including the Impressionists, the Romantics and the Modernists.
9. performance art
Meaning: A form of art in which the artist performs something, rather than producing a physical work of art
Example: Some tourist destinations offer performance art by actors to recreate events from local history, such as battles or local legends.
10. funding for the arts
Meaning: the act of providing money for artists, writers, musicians etc
Example: Government funding for the arts encourages people of artistic ability to express their talent to the public.
Xem thêm: Các từ vựng Tiếng Anh theo chủ đề mới nhất
11. a mixed funding model for the arts
Meaning: a model in which some money to support the arts is given by the government and some money is provided by private individuals or commercial organizations.
Example: I would argue that a mixed funding model for the arts is the best way to support artists, musicians and writers by combining public and provide funds and even donations.
12. the imposition of censorship
Meaning: the act of preventing something from being available to the public, because it is considered offensive or a political threat
Example: I believe that the imposition of censorship is sometimes necessary to protect young people from exposure to pornographic writing or images.
13. to stage a play
Meaning: to organize and present a play for people to see
Example: It is important to encourage children to be creative, for example by staging a school play or displaying their artwork on school open days.
14. a talented playwright
Meaning: a person who writes plays for the theatre
Example: Directors of theatres must encourage talented playwrights by staging their plays for theatre-goers.
15. to appeal to audiences
Meaning: to attract or interest those who go to watch a play or film.
Example: Plays which deal with contemporary social issues are likely to appeal to audiences.
16. a literature festival/a book festival
Meaning: A regular gathering of writers and readers in a particular city, perhaps every year.
Example: One way in which to attract tourists to a city is to stage an annual literature festival, and invite well-known writers to attend.
17. literary and artistic heritage
Meaning: the traditon of writing or painting that a country, city or town has had for many years, distinguishing it as an important part of its character
Example: Visitors to Britain can enjoy the rich literary and artistic heritage by going to such places as the birthplace of Shakespeare and the National Art Gallery in London.
18. to express oneself
Meaning: to communicate some idea or emotion through speech, writing, painting, music or some other form of art
Example: Schools should encourage pupils to express themselves through art, music or creative writing in order to stimulate their imagination.
19. works of literary fiction
Meaning: types of literature which describe imaginary people and events, not real ones
Example: It takes enormous creativity to write works of literary fiction, and the greatest writers are rightly considered literary geniuses.
20. a literary genius
Meaning: a person with outstanding ability in writing
Example: Although not every child will become a literary genius, it is still important for students to practice creative writing at school.
III. Idioms liên hệ với từ vựng IELTS chủ đề Art
to bear fruit | Có kết quả như mong muốn |
to bring something to life | Mang lại sức sống |
to be eye-catching | Bắt mắt |
to grab someone | Hấp dẫn ai đó |
to move someone | Làm ai đó cảm động |
to stand the test of time | Trường tồn với thời gian |
state of the art | Hiện đại, tiên tiến |
Khối lượng từ mới của chủ đề Art vô cùng lớn, bạn đã học được thêm bao nhiêu từ qua bài viết lần này ? Và đừng quên rằng, ngoài việc update thêm từ vựng, bạn phải rèn luyện tất cả các kỹ năng qua những bài test online nhé.
Nếu có bất kỳ băn khoăn nào trong quá trình học Tiếng Anh, hãy liên hệ ngay với Patado để nhận được sự tư vấn tốt nhất!